Mixing bowls

Vintage Mixing Bowls

Almost every house has one, or wants one! An antique vintage mixing bowl is a must for every home kitchen, whether modern or traditional. Small or large size, glass, ceramic, china, stoneware or more modern pyrex, they just do not go out of style or fashion. Whatever ingredients they are used to mix or even if they are not used for mixing at all, they add a touch of decor to any cooking area.

Popularly used for blending cream, stock, batter, cake ingredients and many other food product types, in practice the humble mixing bowl is a ubiquitous part of almost any kitchen in any region of the world.

Especially popular, light brown coloured bowls with white insides are known as Cane Bowls and were invented in the late 19th Century in England, Up until the advent of glazed earthenware mixing bowls were largely made of wood. Old fashioned mixing bowls sit beautifully in your collection.

History of Antique Mixing Bowls

Q: Where did they come from? 

Traditional Cane Bowls were an item invented in the late 19th century by the precursor of the Mason Cash Company, which was incorporated in Church Gresley in England in 1901. 

Q: Why a Cane Bowl? (H3)

The Cane bowl was fashioned from local light brown clay, hence the name. It is also known as yellow ware. Most people would recognise a Mason Cash bowl without knowing the name or brand as their mother and grandmother almost certainly had one. Vintage Mason Cash mixing bowls are still very sought after today.

Q: So what is a Gripstand mixing bowl? 

Another Church Gresley yellow ware manufacturer T.G.Green patented a variation of the Can Bowl in 1906, in which a wedge was cut into the base. This allows the bowl to be easily tilted and held at an angle, this helps whisking and stirring. The companies competed until Mason Cash took over T.G.Green in 2001 although 6 years later the brands split again. A vintage gripstand mixing bowl is perhaps even more sought after today than the more traditional Mason Cash bowl.