A lovely complete example of a Welsh Calvinistic Methodists Foreign Missions Daily Gift Box. An antique that has clearly been used for many years for collections in support of missions in India. The base label is of a later date than the main box as this was the seal-to-return label used in collections, and from the lift up corner you can see earlier labels underneath.
Size: 12 x 7 x 6cm.
Welsh Calvinistic Methodists
Calvinistic Methodists began in the 1700's and grew rapidly in the 19th Century. The Welsh group claimed to be the only denomination that was purely Welsh in origin. The group made missionary donations to the London Missionary society until 1840 when it began its own work in Northern India. This work resulted in the formation of the Presbyterian Church of India.
Despite there being many differences between Methodism and Presbyterianism, the Calvinistic Methodists are shown through this gift box to now be part of the Presbyterian Church of Wales.